FPH and ADPH joint statement on COVID-19
The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) and the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) are immensely proud of the role the UK public health workforce is playing in response to COVID-19. Day in and day out our members are working tirelessly to protect the public’s health in the most challenging of circumstances, and we thank our members for their energy, skill and expertise.
The public health workforce is at the forefront of efforts to tackle this global pandemic. Directors of Public Health and their teams are providing trusted leadership and advice to their local populations. For our part, as organisations, we are entirely focussed on enabling our members to carry out their responsibilities as effectively as possible and ensuring their voice is heard by national decision makers.
Collaboration is key in tackling the pandemic. We are working with our members to develop and maintain strong relationships between those working in public health on the frontline in local government and the NHS and numerous other settings, the Chief Medical Officers, the four public health agencies of the UK, and a range of professional bodies, providers and charities.
The coming months will be enormously challenging for all of us in both our personal and professional lives and we urge kindness and respect for colleagues across the health and care sector, all of local government and civil society. We are now all working towards the same goal of saving lives and protecting the health of the public, and we will find strength in working as a unified system.
We will continue to support your vital work in whatever way we can, and once again thank you for your ceaseless commitment to the public’s health.
2 April 2020