Special Interest Groups

‘The SIGs give you a great opportunity to explore areas of interest that are not necessarily covered through your training. There are opportunities to network and do some advocacy & lobbying work, teaching a topic that you are passionate about and there is much more freedom for yourself to explore and enjoy whilst training‘
Bayad Nozad, Global Violence Prevention SIG Co-Chair

As part of your membership with FPH, you will be eligible to join one of our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) convened to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the public’s health today and to provide FPH members with a platform to speak out in one voice on a particular topic. SIGs enable members from across the UK and globally to network with other public health professionals working in their field and provide FPH with an invaluable source of expertise and support across all areas of our work.

We have a wide range of different SIGs covering diverse topics, such as film, food, active transport, and global violence prevention. Whether you’re looking to fulfil some training requirements, learn something new or do a discrete piece of research, one of our SIGs should provide you with a space to achieve whatever you’re after. See the list below to find out what SIGs we offer, how you can join, and what SIGs are currently focused on.

SIG reporting lines

Each SIG reports to one of the main FPH policy committees, as illustrated by the diagram below. 

SIG event for all Faculty members: 16 March 2022

On Wednesday 16 March the Faculty held a webinar where a number of SIGs talked about their work and how members could get more involved. Please see below for the recording of this webinar.

