Professor Kevin Fenton CBE begins term of office as President of the Faculty of Public Health

Following the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Faculty of Public Health (FPH), today Friday 1 July 2022, Professor Kevin Fenton CBE begins his three-year term of office as President.

Professor Fenton takes up the office of Faculty President having held a variety of public health executive leadership roles and is currently the Regional Director for London, Office for Health Improvement & Disparities and Regional Director of Public Health for NHS London. He is also the Statutory Health Advisor to the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority. Professor Fenton is the Government’s Chief Advisor on HIV and is overseeing the implementation of the new HIV Action Plan with an ambition to eliminate HIV transmission in England by 2030.

Professor Kevin Fenton said, “I thank Faculty members for electing me to work with you and to serve you as President of the Faculty of Public Health.

Building on the excellent work of my predecessor Professor Maggie Rae, I look forward to working with Faculty members to drive forward meaningful work to tackle the big public health challenges of the present and future.

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic to a changing and complex landscape, now more than ever we need a strong Faculty which is able to advocate for sustained improvements in the public’s health, clear about our contribution to tackling new and emerging threats, and ready to play our role alongside others as an effective systems leader for the profession in the UK and overseas.

As I start my first 100 days in office, I arrive with a clear commitment to support a high quality, inclusive UK public health workforce. I will be connecting with Local Board Members and FPH members in every part of the UK, hearing your hopes, priorities and opportunities. We must support the public health leaders of the present and future through a robust framework of training, appraisal, revalidation, and CPD arrangements, and I am committed to building upon the excellent work accomplished thus far.

I also take up office with a resolute focus on developing the cross-system leadership role for public health professionals. This includes deepening our current partnership working and engaging with a broader range of actors including in healthcare, business, education, academia, and other key areas. It is my sincere hope that these partnerships will lead to further innovation in our field, opening new opportunities to help address societies challenges.

Most importantly, I will ensure that the Faculty is fully engaged with our membership and is responsive to members’ priorities and concerns from across the UK and overseas. The Faculty exists to support our members as they work to protect and improve the public’s health, and in achieving this goal it is essential that we foster effective, two-way communication with all our membership.

It is truly an honour to have been elected as President by such excellent, committed colleagues. I am confident that in the years ahead we will work effectively together as public health leaders to safeguard our profession and promote better health for all.”

Read Kevin’s full welcome message here.

1 July 2022

