How to join a Special Interest Group

Step 1 - join FPH

SIG membership is only open to FPH members. If you’re not an FPH member, or you think your membership may have lapsed, you’ll need to contact our membership department to join or update your status. There is no membership grade requirement for being in a SIG and we would recommend joining as an Associate Member in the first instance.

Please refer to the Join Us page. For any other membership queries: email or phone 020 3696 1483.

Step 2 - apply to the Chair

Every SIG is managed by a Chair or Co-Chairs. To apply to be a SIG member you will need to fill out this short application form and email it to the Chair of the SIG you are interested in applying to. You are very welcome to apply to be a member of more than one SIG, but you will need to use separate forms for each application.

If you have any questions about the SIGs more broadly and how they are governed, you can also contact the FPH policy team at

Step 3 - wait for the SIG Chair to contact you

The Chair will assess your application and will get in touch directly with you once they’ve determined the outcome. The Chair will share with you the Terms of Reference, the SIG workplan, and let you know the dates and times of the next meetings, among other essential induction information.
