Climate and Health library of external resources

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ClimaHealth, Global Knowledge for Climate and Public Health

Risks and Impacts, Policy (Global) Comprehensive knowledge mobilisational platform for climate and public health from WHO/WMO. Includes facts, figures, policy, guidance and toolkits.

UK Climate risk independent assessment. Committee on Climate Change, 2021.

Risks and impacts in the UK: The Adaptation Committee (within the UK Climate Change Committee) produces an independent assessment of the UKs climate risk, setting out the priority risks and opportunities for the UK.

Systematic and evidence-based summary of climate in the UK, including detailed technical chapters (Chapter 5: Health, communities and the built environment), key stats and infographics.

UK Climate Risk Assessment. HMG, 2022.

Policy context (UK): Published by HMG every five years, as required by the 2008 Climate Change Act, the UK CCRA sets out the risks and opportunities facing the UK from climate change.

Progress in reducing emissions: 2022 Report to Parliament. Committee on Climate Change, 2022.

Policy context (UK): Independent, comprehensive overview of the UK’s progress in reducing emissions.

Net Zero Strategy: Build back Greener. HMG, 2021.

Policy context (UK): HMG strategy setting out policies and proposals to decarbonise all sectors of the UK economy to meet net zero target by 2050.

Delivering a net zero NHS. NHS, 2022.

Policy context, local action (England): Report details how the NHS plans to deliver net zero targets.

Lancet countdown report on health and climate, 2022.

Risks and impacts (Global): Global overview of climate and heath, within indicators tracking climate hazards, human exposure and vulnerability to climate hazards as well as health outcomes. 

WHO Operational Framework for building climate resilience health systems

Policy context (WHO Global): Describes the elements of climate resilient health systems with links to supporting resources/toolkits for each element (eg climate vulnerability and adaptation assessments)

US CDC Climate and Health

Risks and impacts (USA): comprehensive website with links to webinars, resources for public health professionals, case studies (USA-based) and the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework.

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UKHSA Heatwave plan for England Collection page

Policy context (England): Policy and guidance on the Heatwave plan for England, includes a Making the Case document which sets out the public health evidence on heat harms to health

UKHSA training slide set on the Heatwave Plan for England. UKHSA, 2022.

Local action: Introduction to the issue, including the early warning systems for heatwaves, describing the impacts, prompt cards for those who need to take action before and during episodes of hot weather.

UKHSA & PHE Heat mortality monitoring reports:

- From 2021

- 2016-2020

Risks and impacts (England): Information on all-cause excess mortality associated with heatwaves in England by 5-year age group and region.

Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN)

Risk and impacts, local action, policy (Global): Capacity building website includes evidence-based reports, policy insights, training materials and case studies collated by GHHIN (a network of heat experts, supported by WHO/WMO and the Wellcome Trust)

Lancet heat and health series, 2021.

Risks and impacts (Global): Summary of evidence on heat health, including interventions.


UKHSA Flooding and health Guidance for assessment and management of public mental health. UKHSA, 2022.

Local action: Summary of evidence on impacts of flooding on health, interventions before, during and after a flood event. Case studies and links to additional resources.

English National study of flooding and health. PHE, 2020.

Risk and impacts (England): Findings of the flooding cohort study detailing the impacts of a flooding event on health and wellbeing with follow up over three years, includes infographics.


Cold Weather Plan for England Collection page. UKHSA.

Policy context (England): Policy and guidance on the Cold Weather plan for England.


Public health impacts of drought in high-income countries: a systematic review. Vos et al. 

Risks and impacts (High income countries): Literature review of impacts of drought on health (pre-print)

US CDC Drought Communication toolkit 

Risk and impacts (USA): Range of resources and training materials on drought and public health for the US audience.

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Progress in adapting to climate change: 2021 Report to Parliament. Committee on Climate Change, 2021

Risks and impacts, policy context (UK): Independent overview of the UK Government’s progress to date on adapting to climate change, with policy recommendations for government.

Climate change adaptation: policy information. Defra, 2022

Policy context (UK): Overview of the policy landscape in the UK (Defra is the lead government for climate adaptation) including links to the National Adaptation Programme (2018-2023) which sets out what actions the government plans to take to address the climate risks identified in the national risk assessment.

Climate adaptation toolkit and risk generator. Local partnerships, 2022.

Local action: Toolkit with five steps to help local areas to assess and prepare for the impacts of the current and future climate.

Adaptation gap report (Health). United Nations Environment Programme, 2018.

Policy context (Global): UNEP Adaptation gap report in 2018 with specific focus on health. Summary evidence on gaps in funding and action on adaptation for health, includes statistics and infographics. 


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UK Housing: Fit for the future?  Committee on Climate Change, 2019

Policy context (UK): Report on actions needed to decarbonise and adapt the UK housing stock, includes evidence-based rationale for policy recommendations and infographics.

NICE guidelines: Excess winter deaths and illness and the health risks associated with cold homes, 2015.

Health protection: Summary of the evidence on harms to health from cold homes and recommendations on how to reduce the risk of death and ill health associated with living in a cold home.

Local Authority and Health Professionals Toolkit: Supporting fuel poor and vulnerable households. Citizens Advice and Cornwall Council, 2018.

Local action: Toolkit to support local action to tackle fuel poverty, based on NICE guidelines and other evidence.

Fuel poverty, cold homes and health inequalities in the UK. Institute of Health Equity, 2022.

Risks and impacts (UK): Review of the evidence on the direct and indirect impacts of cold homes on health.

Planning for urban resilience. Keith & Meerow, 2022.

Risks and impacts, policy context, local action (USA): Comprehensive well- referenced report with infographics. Includes a chapter on equity (US-centric).

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Air Information Resource website, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

Policy context (UK): Defra is the lead government department for air quality. Information on how air quality is measured and monitored including forecasts and Air Quality Management Areas.

Health Matters blog: Air pollution. PHE, 2018.

High level summary: Summary of air pollution and health, including infographics

Improving outdoor air quality and health: review of interventions. PHE, 2019

Local action / policy context (England): Overview of actions that national and local government and others can take to improve air quality and health.

Air quality: A briefing for Directors of Public Health. LGA, 2017

Local action (England): Resource to support DsPH to identify appropriate public health response to air pollution in their area.

Committee on the Health Effects of Air Pollution

Risks and impacts (UK): Detailed evidence reviews produced by UK experts on a range of topics, including assessment of uncertainties and limitations of the evidence.

Climate and net-zero policy-driven changes in air quality and their effects on human and environmental quality. Royal Society, 2021.

Policy context (UK) Expert review of the evidence and the likely impacts of current policies on air quality and climate, includes a chapter on the effects on human and environmental health in the UK. 

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Transport and Health Science Group, Adrian Davies, 2008-2019 

Essential evidence Scotland, Adrian Davies, 2019-present 

Risks and impacts, policy context, local action (UK context): Series of jargon-busting short reports distilling the evidence across a range of topics relating to transport and health categorised/tagged by topic.

Health and Transport: A Guide. Scottish Health and Inequality Impact Assessment Network. 2018

Policy context, local action (Scotland): Summary of evidence on transport and health, including policy, aimed at a public health/transport planner audience.

Climate change strategy - Net Zero Nation: public health engagement strategy. Scottish Government, 2021.

Policy context (Scotland): Evidence-based framework for engaging the people of Scotland in the transition to net zero, applying models of behaviour change.

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Unequal exposure and unequal impacts: social vulnerability to air pollution, noise and extreme temperatures in Europe. EEA Report No 22/2018

Well-referenced overview of inequalities in exposure and outcomes for air pollution, noise and extreme temperature in Europe.

What is ‘Loss and Damage’ from climate change? 6 key questions answered. WRI, 2022.

Policy (Global): Loss and damage explainer

Just transition and equitable climate action resource centre. World Resources Institute, 2022

Policy context, local action (USA, Global): Website with case studies.

Additional resources will be added to this library as we expand the topics covered (eg health and social care, biodiversity and green space).

Please get in touch if you have identified other useful resources in the course of your work.

We welcome resources with high quality content (e.g. evidence-based) that are useful for public health practice -
