Do you need to revalidate? (UKPHR Registrants)
The UK Public Health Register (UKPHR) is an independent, dedicated regulator for public health professionals in the UK, providing professional regulation to public health specialists, specialty registrars and practitioners from a variety of backgrounds.
If you have a UKPHR specialist registration, you are required to undertake UKPHR’s revalidation once every 5 years in order to remain on the Register. You will usually revalidate every five years, however revalidation is an ongoing process.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how the revalidation process works for UKPHR specialist registrants and the organisations that support them.
You will have an annual professional appraisal based on the Good Public Health Practice. The framework of the appraisal is to demonstrate that you are up to date and fit to practise. You will normally have one professional appraisal in each financial year.
You will need to maintain a portfolio of supporting information based on your scope of practice and aspirations. You will need to collect this information yourself, as well as reflect on it. This supporting information will provide the basis for discussion at your appraisal.
It is your personal responsibility to ensure that you meet the requirement for annual professional appraisal. If you are in employment, your employer ought to ensure that annual professional appraisal is made available to you. If your employer does not arrange this for you, then you must make alternative arrangements yourself.
To provide you with sufficient time to prepare for your revalidation, UKPHR will send you an email notification six months prior to your revalidation due date. Once you have all the documents required for your revalidation, you will then submit your application online via your registrant portal.
Once your revalidation application has been checked and marked as satisfactory, the system will stop sending you monthly reminders. UKPHR will then proceed to contact your referee requesting completion of the reference form. Following receipt of a satisfactory reference your application will be processed for the next available Registration Approvals Committee.
Full details of the UKPHR requirements for Revalidation may be found here.