
Public health specialty training curriculum

The current Public Health specialty training curriculum is available here: 2022 Public Health Training Curriculum.

Guidance on the curriculum for Registrars, Supervisors and Training Programme Directors can be found here. For reference purposes the 2015 Curriculum is available here.

Any questions regarding the training curriculum should be sent to


The public health curriculum provides guidance on specialty training for registrars, supervisors and those considering entering the specialty. The curriculum describes all the required components of training leading to completion of training in public health which normally for five years or more. The curriculum provides a framework within which registrars and supervisors can determine and understand the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours which will allow a registrar to achieve the level of competence required of a specialist to undertake consultant level practice. It has been future-proofed by adhering to enduring principles of the practice of public health rather than the detail of the current systems within which health and social care is currently delivered in the four administrations with the UK. The curriculum as developed should therefore be relevant through structural reorganisation and in different systems, cultures, and countries.

The curriculum defines and describes the processes of training including recruitment, induction, assessment and remediation, phases of training, settings, learning methods and outcomes. Learning outcomes are the statements that describe core elements of learning that a registrar will be required to obtain whilst in training. The curriculum describes at what stage of training these learning outcomes should be gained.

KA10 Formative Assessment

The most important addition to the 2015 curriculum was the introduction of Key Area 10: Integration and Application of Competences for Consultant Practice (CCP). CCP describes the overarching learning outcomes registrars demonstrate when they are ready for independent practice as consultants. Readiness for independent consultant practice requires an ability to consistently judge how to select and use a range of specialist public health expertise and skills and work at senior organisational levels to deliver improved population health in complex and unpredictable environments.

Please click here for more information on KA10.

KA10 Assessment Guidance version 1.4

KA10 Evaluation Form



