Learning Outcomes: Merged & Removed
2015 LO number |
2015 LO description |
2022 new merged LO description |
2022 LO number |
1.3 (Merged in 2022 with 1.1) |
Access data and information from a variety of organisations and sources (including local, national and global); as well as participatory methods for gathering the citizens' voice. |
This descriptor on the ePortfolio will be listed as “Obsolete”. |
N/A |
1.1 |
Address a public health question using data and intelligence by refining the problem to an answerable question or set of questions, determining the appropriate approach and applying that approach. |
Address a public health question using data and intelligence by refining the problem to an answerable question or set of questions, determining the appropriate approach and applying that approach by accessing data and information from a variety of organisations and sources (local, national and/or global). |
1.1 |
5.4 (Will be removed in 2022 and not be merged with any other LO) |
Develop a strategy that applies theoretical models of change in order to enable individuals to improve their health. |
This descriptor on the ePortfolio will be listed as “Obsolete”. |
N/A. However work from this LO maybe applied, in discussion with your Educational Supervisor to other LO including:
3.3 Carry out an ‘Options Appraisal’ of alternative strategic options including consideration of political, social and technical feasibility.
3.5 Write a strategy [action plan] to address a need for change to improve a public health or health care issue.
7.7 Lead or contribute to the implementation of change across health and care systems with reference to a model of change.
8.3 (Merged in 2022 with 8.5) |
Formulate questions that will allow a structured approach to retrieving and assessing the evidence to inform research, policy and practice. |
This descriptor on the ePortfolio will be listed as “Obsolete”. |
N/A |
8.5 |
Identify research needs based on patient/population needs and in collaboration with relevant partners. |
Identify research needs based on patient/population needs and in collaboration with relevant partners. |
8.5 |
10.4 (Merged in 2022 with 10.2) |
Uses academic rigour appropriately to give independent public health advice. |
This descriptor on the ePortfolio will be listed as “Obsolete” |
N/A |
10.2 |
Produces, integrates and interprets complex evidence from multiple sources with scientific rigour and judgement. |
Promotes and advocates an evidence based and evaluative approach to scope public health problems and deliver solutions. Selects and uses advanced public health knowledge, tools and skills appropriately for different tasks to deliver timely results. |
10.2 |