New Registrar FAQs
Firstly, you need to make sure you’ve enrolled – read more about enrolment on our website via this link. Once you’ve completed this process which includes paying the fees, you’ll officially be a Specialty Registrar Member of FPH. As you progress throughout your career, you’ll automatically progress through the membership categories as well.
It depends what your query is about but don’t worry, there’s always someone to help you out! Marijana Curic is FPH’s Specialty Training co-coordinator so will be your main point of contact if you’re unsure about any aspect of your training including enrolment and CCT queries.
However if your query is related to something else like getting involved with a campaign, writing a blog, finding out about networking opportunities, navigating your way through CPD or the e-portfolio or even how to pay your membership fees, you can find contact details for everyone at FPH on this page.
Via our website at this link.
On the 1st working day of every month you’ll receive our e-bulletin which celebrates the work of FPH members, Special Interest Groups and committees, includes key public health news and signposts you to the latest events and blogs. You’ll start receiving this automatically. You can also expect to receive targeted emails about networking or training opportunities that we think you’d like to know about.
First of all, FPH has a Specialty Registrar Committee with regional reps across the UK. They should get in touch with you at the beginning of your training to introduce themselves and give you access to the regional communications groups which will allow you to speak to other registrars. FPH has a variety of networking opportunities available as well. From joining a Special Interest Group to attending events, there are many opportunities to connect with other public health professionals. You can also follow us on Twitter @FPH where we encourage discussions across a range of public health topics.
Typically you would take the Diplomate examination (DFPH) in ST2 and the Final Membership examination (MFPH) in ST3. You usually sit the MFPH examination around 9-12 months after you pass the DFPH examination.
That’s excellent news! Our members are really important to us because they play a vital role in helping to govern the organisation, plan our long-term strategy, develop and maintain our curriculum & exams, audit our CPD, support our training courses and much more. Because you’re in the early stages of your public health career though, we would recommend getting involved with one of a great range of opportunities available to help you develop the professional and personal skills you need. For instance, you could join a Special interest group (SIG) on a topic that you’re passionate about, you could get help shape public health policy or you could get involved in comms. For more information click here.
The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) approves a range of projects for public health Specialty Registrars to gain experience and complete work that can contribute to Learning Outcomes. These projects are normally generated by the Faculty or by a Special Interest Group (SIG) within the FPH and open Registrars with appropriate experience. More details can be found here.
Specialty training is delivered by training programmes in the UK which means the vast majority of placements are based in the area you applied to train. However, applications can be made to the local Postgraduate Dean for training outside of the locality and abroad which would need to be approved by the GMC and the Faculty as part of the Out Of Programme (OOP) process. Further details on this can be found here.
Maternity or Out of Programme
Fees are not charged to those on maternity leave or out of programme for Research (OOPR), Experience (OOPE) or a Career Break (OOPC). If the period of maternity leave or out of programme spans different calendar years, then fees are payable for the portion of time still in programme. Please note, this does not cover the period you may be out of programme for training (OOPT).