Membership of the Faculty of Public Health exams
Membership of the Faculty of Public Health consists of the Diplomate (DFPH) and the Final Membership (MFPH) examinations.
If you are interested in sitting the exams, please see the next available dates for the Diplomate and the Final Membership exams
The Faculty of Public Health Diplomate Examination (DFPH)
The DFPH (formerly the Part A exam) is intended to test a candidate's knowledge and understanding of the scientific basis of public health. Success in the DFPH leads to election into Diplomate Membership.
The Final Membership Examination (MFPH)
The MFPH (formerly the Part B exam) is designed as a 'show how' assessment of the candidate's ability to apply relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to the practice of public health. Success in the MFPH examination leads to election into Full Membership of the Faculty of Public Health.
We welcome applications from anyone with a university degree, it is not necessary to have a medical qualification or to be enrolled in a training course.
Delivery of FPH examinations
In 2020 the delivery of the Faculty's two examinations moved online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the successful online delivery of multiple sittings of both the Diplomate and Final Membership exams, an evaluation of the online delivery was completed in July 2021, incorporating feedback from candidates, examiners and FPH staff. The evaluation considered the impact of the new arrangements on exam results, reasonable adjustments, exam security and FPH resources.
The conclusions drawn from the evaluation were that there are clear benefits to keeping the Diplomate exam online, and this exam should remain online permanently, subject to regulatory approval. It was agreed to revert the Final Membership Exam back to a face-to-face format and the last planned online delivery of the MFPH will take place in April 2022. From September 2022 the exam will be taken in a face-to-face format, subject to any Government guidance and COVID-related restrictions.
We have published a comprehensive set of FAQs below relating to exams and you can contact the exams team: with any queries.
Please see the following links for exam-specific FAQs
If you do have other concerns and questions please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing