Public Health Film Special Interest Group

The Faculty of Public Health's (FPH's) Public Health Film Special Interest Group (SIG) has been established to advance knowledge in the field of public health films and their application in protecting and improving people's health and wellbeing. The SIG will:

  • Share good practice and knowledge on the benefits of using public health films to improve health literacy, promote positive health behaviours and influence health outcomes
  • Encourage and support the development of local public health film networks
  • Develop international public health collaborations based upon the use of film and encourage the use of films within existing international public health networks
  • Advise on the film-related content to be included in the educational curriculum of FPH including membership examinations and the guidance for continuing education
  • Make recommendations for training placements related to public health films, including providing guidance on the quality of training for public health films
  • Support the screening of films and the provision of film-related workshops during the FPH annual conference.
Recent activities

The PH Film SIG presented on their recent work and upcoming projects at the Health Improvement Committee's meeting on 18th October 2022. The slides from this presentation can be found here.


The Public Health Film Special Interest Group is chaired by Uy Hoang: and reports to the Faculty's Health Improvement Committee.
