Sudan Special Interest Group
The vision of the Sudan SIG is to improve health and reduce ill health and the inequality gap through raising the profile of public health in Sudan with a clear focus on prevention and sustainable development.
The group’s objectives are:
1. Foster capacity building and knowledge transfer between the UK, Sudan and internationally
2. Raise the profile of public health training as a foundation for sustainable development in Sudan and other countries
3. Advocate for embedding public health principles and multidisciplinary working in clinical, nursing and allied health professionals
4. Champion the agenda of embedding health in all polices and focus on improving the wider determinants of health
5. Improve system leadership and system thinking as a tool to ensure achieving sustainable development
6. Support evidence based decision making and operational research
A summary of the group’s achievements over the last two years can be found here.
The Sudan Special Interest Group is chaired by Mayada Abuaffan ( and reports to the Faculty's Global Health Committee.