Yemen Special Interest Group

The Yemen Special Interest Group reports to the Faculty's Global Health Committee. To join the SIG please email the SIG chair, Ann Hoskins:

The aims of the SIG are to raise the profile of the damaging effects of war on the health of the people of Yemen and advocate/support actions to mitigate these effects.

SIG objectives:

  • To provide a forum for FPH members who are interested in the contribution that public health can make to improving the health of the population of Yemen in a war and post war situation.
  • To contribute new ideas and possible policy avenues to the agenda of the health in Yemen.
  • To pilot and evaluate the use of social media to disseminate preventative messages to populations displaced by war and to areas where the health system has collapsed.
  • To support the work of the Global Violence Prevention SIG (by drawing the practical experience of the Yemen SIG) in collating and developing a body of evidence-based knowledge on what are the important actions to take to develop and rebuild the health system during and post conflict.

SIG Updates

