FPH Strategy 2020-25

The five-year strategy outlines our mission of working with members to promote and protect human health and its wider determinants for everyone in society, leaving no one behind. This high level strategy is supported by delivery plans for each of FPH’s areas of work.

Our charitable objects are at the core of our strategy; to promote knowledge in the field of public health, to assure the highest possible standards of professional competence and practice, and to act as an authoritative body for the purpose of consultation and advocacy concerning public health.

The document outlines our eight strategic priorities and the key principles which will drive our work, with our members always at the heart of everything we do as an organisation.

We will work with our networks across the healthcare sector and in government to protect and improve the health of populations across the four nations of the UK and around the world.

FPH relies on our members to govern the organisation, plan its strategies and enable us to operate as the professional home for public health specialists. Our members develop and maintain our curriculum, design and deliver examinations, audit our CPD, support our training courses, lobby government, and in many more ways help us deliver on our charitable objects and protect the health of populations. To find out how you can get involved, you can visit the 'get involved' page.

UK Faculty of Public Health Strategy 2020 - 2025

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FPH is a registered charity and a joint faculty of the three Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (London, Edinburgh and Glasgow). Its charity number is 263894.

Although it is an integral part of the three colleges, it has its own officers, manages its own affairs through a trustee board and is financially independent.

Standing Orders

The Faculty’s governing document is its Standing Orders  which sets out the functions, objects and procedures within which it must operate.

The objects are defined as:

  1. To promote for the public benefit the advancement of knowledge in the field of public health
  2. To develop public health with a view to maintaining the highest possible standards of professional competence and practice
  3. To act as an authoritative body for the purpose of consultation and advocacy in matters of educational or public interest concerning public health